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Notepad Controls



Made for https://itch.io/jam/game-off-2024

Cover Artmadebyabra
ProgrammingRowan Future
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(53 total ratings)
AuthorsROWAN FUTURE, Alphons63, Tetraminose
GenrePuzzle, Adventure
Made withGameMaker
TagsDrawing, Game Boy, Pixel Art, Retro, Top-Down, Top Down Adventure


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this game is insanely creative, thank you so much for this, i really loved this experience

thank you for playing! we're planning to add more!

(5 edits) (+1)

Time to go home 🩷


very cute game!


Started walking off the map oops


Very cute


This is such an amazing game. I loved it so much <3


this is such a cute game!! love the vibe :D


Loved the game! :)

Spoilers of all sprites:











help, how do i draw an apple?




Such a wonderful concept and the entire team delivered a very nice overall experience. I would love to see more games like this


This is the best game I have ever played.I like it so much.Hope you can make more cute game like this.真的好喜欢这个游戏(虽然画出所有的图案花了我很长时间......


非常感谢!我们在做一个新的版本,里面会有一个放大镜可以让花更容易一点 希望您下次可以玩!


Can someone please tell me where to find the apple? I tried copying the one in the top-left corner but it's way too big.

(4 edits) (+2)

Never mind. It's a hidden clue inside another hidden clue. Someone else mentioned mirroring the quarter head but you somehow have to know to only copy the white section.

Also, does that person eat the picture of an apple?

Now I want to know where the last picture (Among Us?) is. It's those waves at the bottom of the level that are hard to make out.


loved it, although i got myself stuck by going out of bounds and teleporting to the room with the monster with  a star on its head, was pretty fun otherwise tho :p

(6 edits) (+3)(-1)

Could you please put on the page and in-game that this is unfinished?

I like the concept of the game but I have too many concerns. Am I supposed to squint and copy all the pixel art? Is there a way to zoom in (you can't even use fullscreen)? How do I know what's collectible or not? (the lock isn't, for example) How do I draw an A when the font doesn't match the grid? (You draw it either side and it works. What does it do, though?). Does it matter where you position the images? Is there a save function (nope, please add one)?

(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

Am I supposed to be able to teleport behind the locked door with the giant with a star on its forehead is? How do I know how to progress the game? How am I supposed to know about multiple part pictures?

Also, there are invisible walls when there easily could have not been.

I know this is a Jam game but I'm more confused than annoyed so far.


I can't find the 3 items right of the A. I need to sleep now.


meio que vc arrasou


A fun little game! Had fun, though trying to draw the moving things made me feel overwhelmed since they wouldn't stay still


This game is so wholesome <3, especially the music. Got all the illustrations done also but not sure what to do next on regarding finishing the game.


Hi nice game you got here. Would you consider adding other languages for your game? If you have plans in this direction, I can voluntarily translate this game into Turkish.

Deleted 14 days ago
(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

I'm sorry, but i've found way to go out of bounce


That was so fun! Absolutely adorable and the perfect amount of challenge! Is there an ending after you complete all the drawings?

we're planning to add more content so you can expect one :)

hooray can't wait!


super cool


Super cute game! Loved the musics. But is a little broken, specialy after get the teleport.


Got everything, but could not find the ending.

Still, it was a nice relaxing game to play.

(1 edit) (+3)

I'll just assume she took the bus home. :) 


What a clever idea!

I got super frustrated trying to draw some kind of ear-thing? right after getting the boat. So, after half an hour or so of play, I didn't find all the secrets, but I'm done with this game.

That being said, this concept of drawing things is super clever, and I'd like to see what you could do outside of a jam, if you end up expand on it. Just be careful with red herrings.

P.S. I think I saw this on bluesky a few days ago - so you're definitely getting some decent reach with this!

(1 edit) (+2)(-4)

Since everyone helped me with their screenshots, the least I can do is add the apple...I am completely flummoxed on the last one... Anyone get it yet?







(1 edit) (+7)












Thank you qwer! And thank you for reminding me to make my post spoiler free. Rookie mistake on my part...




Fun game! There's some funny glitches were you can beat the game without completing all of the drawings. But my favorite one is that you can jump out of the screen (going left of the bus) and ending up on the final island without a boat and no way to escape.


A very cozy school trip experience!
The name “Shakishaki Island” was a good name that I wanted to pronounce over and over again!
It was very light and pleasant to be able to take out a piece of paper and draw a picture seamlessly just by moving the mouse cursor down during the game!
I didn't find the last two pictures, but it was a very fun experience, meow~!


image.png Yay!

(1 edit) (+3)

picture with man! ゲーム楽しかったです!


How were you able to get the squid since it doesn’t fit on the pad?

(4 edits) (+3)









You have to draw the squid in two parts (The comment below by @Ilya Damyan shows what they look like) 


It was nice expirience)
This is all I could find for now


Beautiful and fun game. Captures a real nostalgic feeling, mixed with a unique PC mechanic.


ive been trying to get the other 1/4 of the face but still couldnt get it. does anyone know? i feel like i spent half on hour for this. i feel like an idiot -_-


I’d like to know this too


This is a fun character!


Uhhhh, is this intended? When I walk for a while the music changes and it feels like I can just walk infinitely.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Also, this is how far I got, I'm stumped on the squid, the apple and the missing statue corner after trying for ages. (I figured out the Squid)


thanks you i know how to make an a


Well I was able to get almost everything... except one...

(rot13, because I decided to check something else here at this point) Hcba purpxvat gur svyrf ba gur fhozvffvba cntr, gur ynfg bar vf n xrl, ohg jura V gevrq gur cnggrea, vg qbrfa'g haybpx gur ynfg bar ba gur 5 frgf.... hayrff vg arrqf fbzrguvat ryfr, ohg hu lrnu V qvqa'g frr nalguvat ryfrjurer gung cbffvoyl erfrzoyrf vg.... be vg'f va n qvssrerag cnggrea be n oht.

Regardless I have fun! It's a really cool game. I like the idea of drawing everything you see thing in it's pixel perfect shape. I guess the apple one unfortunately, had to do also with the something else. I just really tried to guess hard on that one, it's just lack of important cues to visualize, but that might be on me. Still, an awesome game.


this game is so hecking cute, i loved it so much!!

a tip for anyone that's trying to find the apple: pay attention to the statue that's missing a corner, particularly the highlights hehe

(1 edit) (+2)

(i still failed to actually find what to do with it or where to get the apple)(or how to fix the statue)


I tried mirroring it, but nothing happened. I’m stumped.


huh found a bug i wus litterally able to teleport somehow?
and softlocked myself in the locked room. by tp back of the bus and walking down to learn it wus the locked room  (also u can walk on water)

nice 😂

(the A drawing lets you teleport)

(1 edit) (+7)(-2)

For some reason the game won't progress after I draw the first flower? I try to draw the second one but nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?

Edit: I'm dumb as hell. I didn't realize you had to draw another flower that was on the screen.


you most likely didn't draw the flower right!

it's surprisingly hard to get them to match the drawing exactly 

Having the same problem. This sounds like a bug to me considering the simplicity of 1 bit pixel art.

you can post a screenshot of your flower here


it won't let me through, as well. am I doing it wrong?



sorry if it wasn't clear, you have to draw 2 different flowers!


I tried again and realized it wanted me to draw two different flowers. That was very unclear and perhaps could be explained better to the player.


Oh! I see how you got stuck. Thanks for letting me know - I'll update that in the postjam version